Submitted By:
Cindy Thompson from Caney, KS
38 x 47 ½
Maker's Comments:
"I originally designed this quilt using 2.5" strips, but wondered what it would look like using 1.5" strips. The colors of Kansas Troubles fabric are just so comforting, and I'm from Kansas, so the name Mini Kansas Comfort seemed fitting."
Curator's Comments:
Cindy put 1.5” strips to good use with accurately pieced blocks, including one-inch finished squares, one-inch-wide Log Cabin strips, and inch-wide piano keys in the border. She thoughtfully considered the color value placement in her design which uses many, many Kansas Troubles fabrics. This scrappy quilt has an abundance of machine quilting, with the most impressive including perfect circles, feather motifs, and fan sprays. Her Log Cabin strips are accented with decorative machine quilting, while the piano keys hide in-the-ditch stitching.